General FAQ’s
When is Origins Legal Group open?
Our office location is open from 9 am to 5 pm Monday through Friday. However, attorneys are by appointment only, due to court hearings, client appointments, and deadlines. We are closed on state and federal holidays. Our reception service is available after hours and on the weekends to take a message.
Do I need an appointment to visit the office?
Yes. Our office is by appointment only so we can provide our clients undivided attention during their sessions.
How can I reach my lawyer?
Your attorney can be reached by email or phone. Please review your welcome packet for the dedicated client services phone number for fastest response times.
I have not heard from the lawyer. When can I expect a call back?
We strive to return client calls within one business day. If you are not a client (such as a beneficiary of an estate), please correspond with the executor of the estate and review your mail. This keeps estate costs down. We are also limited in the information we can provide non-clients due to the attorney-client privilege.